
Submit Your Story

Helping homeless companion animals also helps people, often in miraculous ways.

We want to know how you rescued your companion animal and, of equal importance, how your companion animal then rescued you in a profound, life-changing way.

We define “rescue animals” as companion animals who were in need of a home and were adopted from animal shelters or rescue organizations, found abandoned or wounded, removed from a dangerous or abusive environment, or given a new home before they would have ended up homeless or in a shelter.

We value diversity in all elements of our content: animals, people, geographic location, cultures, languages, abilities. We accept stories from all over the world.

We share stories as features in the Stories section of our website, on our social-media pages, and as episodes in our Mutual Rescue Moments film series. Several hundred million people around the world have watched or read Mutual Rescue stories since the release of our first film in 2016.

Deadline is Sunday, October 15, 2023. For a chance to be featured, please go here